
Frequently Asked Questions

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At Atlas Diva, we accept various payment methods to make your shopping experience convenient and secure. You can pay for your purchases using major credit cards, debit cards, mobile money transfers, and cash on delivery (for selected areas). Rest assured that all transactions conducted on our website are encrypted and protected to ensure the security of your personal and financial information.

Tracking your order with Atlas Diva is easy and hassle-free. Once your order has been processed and shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing a tracking number and a link to our shipment tracking portal. Simply click on the link or enter the tracking number on our website to monitor the status of your delivery in real-time. You can track your order’s journey from our warehouse to your doorstep, allowing you to stay informed and updated every step of the way.

We are committed to offering beauty products that are not only effective but also ethical and sustainable. Many of the brands and products featured in our collection are cruelty-free, meaning they are not tested on animals during any stage of production. Additionally, we strive to partner with brands that prioritize environmentally friendly practices, such as using recyclable packaging and sourcing natural and eco-friendly ingredients. We believe in promoting beauty that is both compassionate and conscious, allowing you to feel good about the products you purchase from Atlas Diva.

Yes, Atlas Diva proudly offers international shipping to select countries worldwide. Whether you’re located in Africa, Europe, Asia, or beyond, you can enjoy the convenience of shopping for your favorite beauty products from the comfort of your own home. Simply select your country at checkout to see the available shipping options and rates for your destination. Please note that international shipping times may vary depending on your location and local customs regulations. For more information, feel free to contact our customer service team, and we’ll be happy to assist you with your international order.

Info & enquiries


Nairobi, Kenya

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